We had a great turnout at The Red Balloon Bookshop on Saturday - several other authors showed up to support one of their own, which I appreciate more than I can possibly express. There was no cake, but we had chocolate eclairs and Nestle Crunch bars - just as good! I didn't get any pictures, but I saw some cameras in action, so if you were one of the shooters picture takers, send me a pic or two and I'll post. I signed several books for the store while I was there, so if you want a signed copy, swing on by the Red Balloon. My next public appearance will be in Minneapolis at Wild Rumpus, 1:00 p.m., Saturday February 12th.
Hey! Fellow blogger Daughter Number Three came through with an image. Note the balloons. They are red, and this is at the "Red Balloon." Spooooooky!
Nineteen degrees below zero in the Twin Cities this morning. That's nothing to my cousin John, who is dealing with -38 up in Fairbanks. He's planning a trip to Minnesota to warm up. Really.
The good news is that while the cold may have come to Minnesota, my own virus-type cold is gone, and I'm looking forward to my book signing at The Red Balloon Bookshop tomorrow afternoon, when the temperature is supposed to rise to a balmy ten degrees ABOVE zero. People will be wearing shorts and flip-flops. Pack your sunscreen, John! The event at Red Balloon will be at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 22. That's tomorrow, if you're reading this today. I mean, "today" as in the day I'm posting this. If you're reading this tomorrow, then the event is today.
I woke up this morning with a tire spike lodged in my throat. You know what a tire spike is, right? You should alway keep a few dozen in your car in case, y'know, you are being pursued by Lord Humungus and his horde.
Just toss a few handfuls out the window and your pursuer's tires go kablam. If Mad Max had carried a sufficient quantity of these babies, the movie would have been over in half an hour. I am referring, of course, the "The Road Warrior," aka "Mad Max 2," a film that stands out (along with "The Wizard of Oz" and "When Harry Met Sally") as a masterpiece of pacing. Anyway, I woke up with a tire spike in my throat. I am expecting it to migrate into my sinuses soon. Colds. Bah! I am expecting to be well - or at least non-contagious - by Saturday at 2:00 p.m., when I'll be appearing at The Red Balloon Bookshop in St. Paul to sign copies of The Big Crunch and Blank Confession. Please come if you can. (I promise not to infect you. I have mastered the Vampire Sneeze.) Check out these reviews for The Big Crunch in the StarTribune and the Pioneer Press... (Aargh! The link to the Pioneer Press article has expired. Take my word for it, it was a fabulous review!)
Here's a link to a rather slow-paced but not-unpleasant interview I did when I visited Ohio last October. I just watched it for the first time. I must learn to smile more.
I don't know why the video isn't properly framed--something is screwy with the embed code, and when I try to fix it it just gets worse. To watch it properly framed, you can click here.