I do not know why the Pointer Worm invaded my virtual ear. I
woke up, and it was there, broadcasting tinnily, sounding remarkably like a
monaural nine transistor pocket radio circa 1963. Why this song? Why now? Had I
heard the song recently? Not to the best of my recollection. Had I encountered
the words “I’m so excited” in some other context? I don’t think so. Was I
excited? Am I excited?
Well, yes, I am excited, but not in a frenetic hot-to-trot
Pointer Sisters sort of way. I have never
been that excited. My excitement is more of the slow burn, rising tide, tight-chested
variety. It is the familiar sort of excitement that comes with the approaching
publication of a new book.*
Because every new book I write is the book that will save me.
It’s a writer thing that writers don’t often talk about, not
even to each other. You see, we are all drowning, and that is the reason we
keep writing, because every new book is the book that will float us above and
away from (choose three) irrelevance, mediocrity, madness, obscurity, obloquy,

Several years ago I read a novel called This Book Will Save Your Life, by A.M. Homes. I picked it up in
part because I’d recently heard an interview with Homes, and I liked what she
said. Mostly, though, I was attracted by the title. I enjoyed the book—it’s a
funny, smart, magical-realistic tale about a lonely, dissociated man who
discovers that he is not alone. I would recommend it to some people. But—and this
is not a bad thing—the title is the best part.
Why do I write? Why write when there are so many other
things I could be doing with my one and only life? Why not become a savior, a
saint, a martyr? Why not make a ton of money and surround myself with luxury?
Why not raise a litter of children and propagate my DNA? Why not watch TV and
drink beer all day? Why not stop breathing and maybe find out that
I’m wrong about what happens next?
I write because the next book is always the book that will save my
life. The book that will make sense of all that I have experienced. It is a
rocket, a flare, a smoke signal, a howl. “Howl” is another great book title.
“Call me Ishmael” is a great first line. “Only connect” is a great epigraph.

*The new book is The Klaatu Terminus, the final book in the Klaatu Diskos trilogy. It comes out
in April.
Love this. Thanks.
“I would exchange all that I have written for the next thing.”
― William Stafford
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