Here’s how you can become a YouTube sensation, earn extra credit at school, get experience making videos, and maybe even win a fabulous prize!
Make a short video based on Pete Hautman’s novel How to Steal a Car.
Contest is open to individuals or groups, the crazy and the sane. It could be a class project with a cast of hundreds, or just one person looking into a cell phone camera while talking about the book.
Here are some ideas:
Act out a scene from the book.
Offer a commentary about the book.
Do a spoof, like on Saturday Night Live
A photo montage with voiceover
An interview with a character from the book
A puppet show or animation
…it’s up to you!
First Prize: Full set (all ten) of Pete Hautman’s YA books, signed and with illustrations (okay, doodles) by the author
Second Prize: $50.00 gift card to your favorite bookstore
Contest Rules
- Video must be at least 60 seconds long, but not more than ten minutes.
- It must be posted on YouTube on or before March 15, 2010.
- It must be about the novel How to Steal a Car (not just a video about car theft).
- It must not contain anything that will get you or me in trouble (no porn, no slander, no bomb-making instructions, etc.)
- The title (How to Steal a Car) and author (Pete Hautman) of the book must be mentioned, and an image of the book cover must appear at some point in the video. This can be at the beginning, the end, or anywhere else in the video (for example, you could show a character reading the book).
When your video has been posted let Pete know via a comment on this blog, or by email: pete@petehautman.com
Links to all qualifying entries will be posted on Pete’s blog. Winner(s) will be announced on April 1, 2010.
First Prize will go to the video that Pete likes best.
Second Prize will go to the video that gets the most YouTube views by March 31, 2010. (Posting your video early and getting your friends to watch it will give you a huge advantage!)
Note: It is possible that one video could be awarded both prizes.
WOW!! I cannot believe I am on Pete Hautman's Blog!! I love Godless. I have not read How to Steal a Car yet so I cannot do the video yet. HOWEVER, I will read it and see if I get any inspiration to make a video.
I hope you do! -Pete
Hello Pete! you have probably already heard from me, from youtube, well I'm subhan11. I love to make films and have barely had to the time to make any, me and my small crew have all read How to Steal a Car and we were on board to making a scene from the book months ago. But unfortunately moths ago we didn't know that our speech and theater conflicts would keep us so busy that we would push it back so much, I have done a script and pulled a lot of strings to get this done and I'm sure this will not disappoint, however we are not done filming yet, we are in the process but we need more time, if YOU choose to, could you push the due date a week back from March 15, 2010? I would love it if you did, and I'll use the excuse I use with my teachers, I need the extra time, JUST so I could make it better!!
Hi Subhan! I would love to see your video, and I will post it on my blog no matter when you turn it in, but I have to be fair to everybody, so as far as the prizes go, I have to stick with the deadline. (Imagine if you submitted your video on time, and then I said, "Let's wait another month and see if a better one comes along!" That would suck, right?)
ok then! I'll turn the movie in on Monday then, I would really like a prize so I'll stick to the rules on this, hopefully we can get it done!
Hey! Subhan again,
So the video skit i intended to do was totally impossible to finish before the deadline, but i still wanted the prize and wanted to turn a video in so i did! It took a full day but it's and on time! I will definitely finish the other video but this is for now! enjoy
Here's the link to my video for the contest! Hope you love it!
this is angel, how many entrys did you end up getting for the contest
hey its angel.. how many entrys did you end up getting for the contest
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